Saturday, November 29, 2008


I'm glad to steal a moment to post's been almost three weeks! Thanks, Chai, for your message. I haven't gone. :) It's just been an adjustment lately, and my new work-place's computer faces OUT, so unless I'm on an official break, I can't blog as much as I used to.

Life has been pretty miserable at home, but I've given up trying to 'fix' anything there. I can't believe I'm 1) Married; and 2) Married to Someone Who Turned Into Mr. Hyde (after two years of being an angel; so much so that I was convinced my mama sent him down to me). I'm worried and stressed all the time, but not cheating too often. I've definitely had off days, but I think I was 244.1 last weigh-in earlier this week (of course, that was BEFORE Thanksgiving and the au gratin potatoes...), so it could be much worse.

Working 60 hours a week means I'm barely home, so following this plan is easier these days. I rarely eat out on my own, so I'm limited to what I've brought to work (unlike at home, where the fridge is stocked for hubby's preferences). My overhead cupboard at work is frickin' LOADED with a giant box of Slim Jims from Sam's; Laughing Cow Cheese; South Beach bars; sugar-free chocolate; diet Code Red Mountain Dew; Crystal Light single-serve powder to put in bottles of water; cocoa and sea salt almonds; spicy Vienna Sausages; Atkins shakes; bottled water; and sugar-free hard candy. I am truly never in want of anything at work, and since it's half an hour from home, I don't even have the option of going home for lunch. So the eating plan, if nothing else, is going well.

Soon, I'd like to mix up a big batch of Mock Potato Salad (with cauliflower), two batches of Oopsie Rolls with my *new* standing mixer, deviled eggs with the jar of pickled eggs in my fridge I made a couple months ago, and two batches of mashed cauliflower to make into a Shepherd's Pie. Unfortunately, I don't foresee life slowing down anytime soon, so it may still have to wait a few weeks. I knew this month would be a madhouse, so I shopped in preparation, with a big bag of Tequila Lime wings from Sam's (GOOD LORD, so good), boneless chicken thighs, and two pot roasts. I'm also allowing us to grab dinner 2-3 times a week, since some nights I'm not even home until 9:00. I feel guilty spending money on fast food, but since I'm working so much, that bunless, ketchupless double-quarter-pounder with cheese is a welcome break.

I'm not a cook, though I'd love to have a huge kitchen and all the time in the world to experiment with the yummy-sounding low-carb recipes all over the internet. I've been successful with all I've tried (OMG, the cream cheese muffins...those were gone SO quick!), and been pleasantly surprised with the simplicity of some of the recipes. But, I'd use a Flat-Out low carb wrap as a base for pizza crust over the "Yummy Deep Dish Pizza" recipe any day. It was too eggy and soft.

One thing I'm hoping to improve about myself is my aversion to a lot of foods. I've always been a fairly picky eater (only learned to eat onions five years or so ago), so Cleo's recipes for squash spaghetti, zucchini goulash etc. sound Absolutely Inedible to me. Even if I were to taste it and it'd be okay, I'd be thinking "Oh lord, this is squash...I *know* it's squash...I HATE squash..." It's like sweet potatoes. They made me cringe. At that concert a few weeks back, my friend got sweet potato fries for dinner and told me I had to try one. I did, and maybe it was good, but I have no idea...I wanted to throw up.

All right. I'm babbling. I'm putting off work, really. But I'll be back soon.
Thanks for helping keep me on track. :)

1 comment:

Fatty McFat-Fat said...

Glad you didn't just throw in the towel.:)We all welcome your return.